Luke Ogony A22.002 » Solutions Database

Luke Ogony , A22.002

🌐PBW Agent Ottawa Financial Analyst | Business & Sales, Banking Support
WhatsApp: +254 712 621 916
Photo of Luke Ogony A22.002


Bringing innovation and creativity to the world, financial analysis, research, business administration are some of the areas Luke Ogony can consult and support you with.

The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life.

Need help to navigate finance, accounting and banking laws, principles and practices?  Luke is experienced team leader, lecturer and researcher.  From collecting and analyzing data, generating reports or educating others, Luke helps with administrative activity, or items like management and maintenance of confidential records or tax receipts.

Video Introduction of Luke Ogony

Project Blue World Agent; ask Luke for help connecting to Project Blue World in Ottawa Canada,  connect via WhatsApp +254 0712 621 916 or LinkedIn


  • Canada
Categories: PBW Regional Representatives, Uncategorized

Delivering sustainable support for organizations local to Manitoba, Canada and around the world. Mailing address: P.O. Box 52 Clandeboye, Manitoba, Canada, R0C 0P0


Privacy & Security Policy: We respect the privacy rights of our clients, staff and suppliers. We are committed to protecting all personal and organizational information in our possession or control. We use secure confidential systems with back up and 2 factor identification where possible.

We have adopted this Privacy & Security Policy to guide how we collect, use and disclose the personal and professional information we require in the course of fulfilling our responsibilities and operating our business. This Privacy Policy applies to all subsidiaries and associated companies and partnerships of PBW and agents.

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